Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Consider repealing other laws, rep urges Govt

“The feeling among the rakyat is that these laws are not fair as there is no court process involved in the decision to impose these Acts. This is what they wanted,” he said.

Balik Pulau MP Yusmadi Yusoff of PKR urged the Government to consider repealing other laws such as the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Act, which were considered archaic.

“I welcome the move to repeal both the Banishment and the Restricted Residence Acts because they are irrelevant.

“However, there are so many laws of the same category which can also be easily repealed."

“The world is moving very fast and the people are looking for parties that can offer an attractive political environment. Even countries like Turkey are moving towards liberalisation.”

PAS' Kota Raja MP Siti Mariah Mahmud said she agreed that the Bills should not be made retrospective as these were initially enacted in good faith.

If the Bills are passed, all detainees under the two Acts will be freed but none of those currently or previously detained can seek legal redress over their detention.

“Making the Bills retrospective would have given rise to lots of legal implications. It would make things very difficult, unless there is a clear case of victimisation."

“We welcome the repeal but whatever alternative effective mechanism put into place should be fair."

“I think we already have sufficient laws to deal with every area in crime,” she said, adding that there was no point in restricting a criminal's residence."

Deputy Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum said as the country became more liberalised, Malaysia should align itself with standard legal practices.

Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/10/4/nation/9627187&sec=nation

P.S. I live in a very liberalize country where street demonstrations are the order of the day, tribal and religious in-fighting are common, gang fights in school and universities and bombings are frequents.  Rumor-mongering, finger-pointing, blatant accusations and seditious statements are the norm.

Abolishing every 'discriminating' laws so to speak; Malaysia is heading for anarchism and self-destruction. Go Malaysian Go...!!!

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