When the elders said 'take the good ones and remove the bad ones'....but it seems like this cant be applied here. This is more like 'take the good ones and deny the bad ones'....apa ni? Why we kept twisting stuff to our liking......accept it with an open heart...if u have one.....haiii.....
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Malaysian History of Premiership
Do you think we will have new history created where the father is the only one who died during office and the son falters in office as the only unelected one and shortest tenure in office of Malaysian chief of the country ????
I hope it comes TRUE soon.
I hope it comes TRUE soon.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
when my korean drama got hijacked...duh.......
ironing my clothes and watching the korean drama at the same time, someone hijacked the show for a merdeka speech. well, at first it was nice but later....it was diverted to something...well, political motivated. there are things that you can choose not to mention especially when everyone is in a happy mood. but i guess you cant control yourself from mentioning it........aii......when will we ever have a open minded leaders. talk about religion and racial tolerance when your members are doing the other way around. if there is racial and religion tolerance, why wanna waste the money to promote 1malaysia and those advertisement?
Monday, August 29, 2011
I've Learned!
I've learned...
that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.
I've learned...
that no matter how much I care,
some people just don't care back.
I've learned...
that it takes years to build up trust,
and only seconds to destroy it.
I've learned...
that it's not what you have in your life
but who you have in your life that counts.
I've learned...
that it's not what happens to people
that's important. It's what they do about it.
I've learned...
that you shouldn't compare your size with others
but do the best you can do.
I've learned...
that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better know something.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Laughter Is the Best Medicine - 1
Chin Jew Daily reported that MCE president Datuk Seri Dr Cho Soy Lax had praised the Chinese press for their professionalism and fair reporting.
He said this in conjunction to the press announcement of his forthcoming movie “I’m back at the back”. The shooting date was postponed as the production company Kedai Video D-Trio Sdn Bhd has yet to obtain confirmation of the shooting site and nominated heroin from their major sponsor Bee ’N TalentSearch Sdn Bhd.
The think tank of D-Trio would disclose the lists of artist upon return of his trip from London. The movie is expected to cost RM64 million and will be screened in early next year -Chin Jew daily.
In the meantime from Hell Stinky, President Sad ‘ham Hussein said those who disagreed with the Government would be given space to express their views but it must be done without going to the streets or creating trouble.
“If you are still unhappy with the Government, let's square it out in the elections and let the people decide.
“It is my sacred duty as a leader to protect the lives of the people and property.
“I don't want to be the President for one moment if I do not have the support of the people,” he said.
His attempt to contact Pope Benedict did not succeed as there was no interplanetary connection.
He said this in conjunction to the press announcement of his forthcoming movie “I’m back at the back”. The shooting date was postponed as the production company Kedai Video D-Trio Sdn Bhd has yet to obtain confirmation of the shooting site and nominated heroin from their major sponsor Bee ’N TalentSearch Sdn Bhd.
The think tank of D-Trio would disclose the lists of artist upon return of his trip from London. The movie is expected to cost RM64 million and will be screened in early next year -Chin Jew daily.
In the meantime from Hell Stinky, President Sad ‘ham Hussein said those who disagreed with the Government would be given space to express their views but it must be done without going to the streets or creating trouble.
“If you are still unhappy with the Government, let's square it out in the elections and let the people decide.
“It is my sacred duty as a leader to protect the lives of the people and property.
“I don't want to be the President for one moment if I do not have the support of the people,” he said.
His attempt to contact Pope Benedict did not succeed as there was no interplanetary connection.
Responsibility of a Government is infinite. In a nutshell it’s a balancing act between poverty eradication and success. Success then must be defined as it varies time to time, situation and circumstances. Like father to a family, it is their responsibility to stay alert and do what it takes to protect his family. Every country in every part of the world has their respective plans to bring their country to success and share the piece of cake with their people.
Modern man on the whole seems to be in the rising, coming out from the Augustus, King Arthur, Royal Kingdom or Iron Fist type of government expecting more than that from their elected representatives. Everyone today is entitled for their opinion, more intelligent and brave to exercise their rights and explore their six senses of what is right and wrong.
To stay elected, Governments all over the world roll out and display all kinds of programmes and policies (P&P) like a Peacock’s mating dance. Whether the P&P are genuine for the countries interest is any ones guess (after all what can you expect coming from a politicians). Hence the marketing begins on how P&P can drive a countries economy. We don’t know for sure if any P&P are good for us, but we do know it will work if we want it to; ‘Kalau mahu seribu daya, tak mahu seribu dalih’.
Nevertheless, one gets a little bored after a while when the P&P’s does not produce the desired results but remains as just speeches and preaches. One begins to wonder if the P&P was studied and implemented intelligently and was it genuinely for the country. You can’t blame the people for such an assumption because people are coming out of the coconut shell and travelling abroad to learn firsthand of how things are elsewhere.
Despite the obvious, old school marketing that the country is in peace and harmony with a stable economy, has become…boring. That their government is sensitive to people’s interest and by caring for its people has sustained a harmonious race, with abundance of opportunity. This sort of speech is probably tempting in countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Sierra, Laos, Myanmar, North Korea, Somalia, Congo, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan – to name a few, knowing that those ‘ceramahs’ have been the way of life for the rest of the world. So much that it need not be mentioned; they need no justification every five years or so as they are a living proof of it.
As much as I am proud of my country, geographically, historically and culturally I can’t say the same for the people steering it. My gratitude to our great grandfathers to have given us the privilege today to walk out at 2:00am to buy milk powder. But is it not the time to get over and move on? To me, based on our current state of affairs, in the year 2011 these are basic rights and no longer need to be reminded as a privilege. Otherwise it would sound like a threat. People don’t like to be threatened, it serve no good purpose for us to elect representatives that in return threaten us. And when you bite the hand that feeds, there is no good comeback. We can now see better that despite what is being preached, there is whole lot of a different ball game in the field.
We can see that our feelings are being aroused, instigated every now and then to support their P&P, through monopolized print and electronic media. And when the plans are in action, they squander on it and I am left standing the way I was last year, the year before and before that. I am getting tired of broken promises, false gifts and deceptions. Something my religion teaches me to refrain from and if I’m not mistaken…everyone else’s too.
To me the P&P’s looks just like a business continuity plan. The lavish lifestyle of a select few suggests the plan is not for us hence we draw our own conclusion. That greed has taken over good governance. Due to this (and their busy mudslinging schedule), they have also lost their grip on their sponsors, large cooperation’s and institutions that dictate how our life should be. Banks, Insurance companies, Telco’s, Property developers, loggers, miners, retailers, doctors, lawyers and judges join the bandwagon taking turn to rape us. We remain suppressed, powerless, naïve, money producing machines, year in year out while they go on a luxurious holiday trips, acquire fancy mansions and exotic cars and perhaps some concubines here and there. I’m not asking to be spoon fed or to live the lives they do…come on! Just that I want to be a taste of the fruits of my labor and the “Return on Investment” that I have put on you (if I have put it on you)*.
We know that it was all just a marketing campaign when you show up at kampongs and estates with TV crews and sweet talks. We knew it was cheap marketing because you came only before the election. After which we only see you on TV, laid back, sleepy eyes with all kind of excuses. There is only one thing I can think have how a leader can afford to be arrogant to his people. *Because in his subconscious mind, he can’t deny that he got there not because of the peoples votes, but he had a hand in it. Why/how else?
You don’t have to preach that this soil is mine and mine only to fuel your plans. In fact, we know it’s ours and we have nowhere to go even if you chased us out (if you have the b…). Forget the roots of who came from where or how we came about; it does not make sense to what we are today and where to we are heading. It does not add value to your P&P (if it was meant for us).
We practice racial harmony because we want to. Not because of your half-baked P&P’s. Our cousins, nephews, niece, in-laws and outlaws are also Kerala’s, Portuguese, Bugis, Chinese, and Indians, Pakistan’s and thanks to you even Indonesians. I hate to justify all of your actions to my classmates, neighbors and colleagues of why you choose to differentiate us. Of why you choose to bring up May 13 issues every now and then.
You have been so long in power that you are beginning to think that the Parliament belongs to your grandfather. As if it is your birthright to shove policy down the throat of the very people who put you there. It’s lame and cheap to cloud us with what YOU did for this country many years ago, as if we don’t know. What we do know is that the YOU now are not the YOU our great grandfathers build. Shame upon those who leverage on what our great grandfather sacrificed for, they are beyond comparable “sik’kit pun tara malu” for you to have a free ride at their expenses. Or can I say “lembu punya susu, sapi mau nama”?
Talk about religious upbringing, I am perplexed that despite being raised as a Muslim, praying five times a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, reciting from the Quran, you failed to display any of it in your life. How come? Should it not be that we the Muslims are the ones, with more praying hours than others, with superior wisdom, with the way of life bestowed from the heavens;
• To have superior mentality then everyone else?
• Be the best example in the world?
• The most prosperous (or moderate) people on earth?
Then how come despite all that, you utter derogatory words upon others, instigating, frame up, lopsided laws, expect us to obey your law yet make exceptions to yourself? Masha ’Allah, you can’t even perform you basic duty without screwing it up along the way yet you ‘fitnah’ those who can?
While the rich get richer (which we actually don’t mind), the poor get poorer (that we do mind very much). We don’t know what happened to your policy because ‘Desa’ is still as crap as it was 50 years ago; average income is the same while cost of living and household debts are on the rise. With an added bonus in the correspondingly increasing problems from poor socio-economic environment i.e. theft, robbery, break-in, drugs, teen sex, incest’s, child abuse, corruption, accidents, Ah Long, Kak Long, Make Long and Kangkong are not getting any better - if not worse during your reign. To overcome it, you just add one law after another so you can sit comfortably in your office. So you see as I figure, it is you whom have been the ghosts and demons all along.
Your performance in the last six months has been rather outstanding. I am amazed and proud to see the actions. But I am also not the type to fall into recency effect and I hope the rest of my fellow Malaysians are too. If so, perhaps it’s time we ‘korban’ you this time and Insha’Allah, we see you again in the next election. Until then please keep up the good job and cooperate with whoever might take your place. We might change our mind.
Modern man on the whole seems to be in the rising, coming out from the Augustus, King Arthur, Royal Kingdom or Iron Fist type of government expecting more than that from their elected representatives. Everyone today is entitled for their opinion, more intelligent and brave to exercise their rights and explore their six senses of what is right and wrong.
To stay elected, Governments all over the world roll out and display all kinds of programmes and policies (P&P) like a Peacock’s mating dance. Whether the P&P are genuine for the countries interest is any ones guess (after all what can you expect coming from a politicians). Hence the marketing begins on how P&P can drive a countries economy. We don’t know for sure if any P&P are good for us, but we do know it will work if we want it to; ‘Kalau mahu seribu daya, tak mahu seribu dalih’.
Nevertheless, one gets a little bored after a while when the P&P’s does not produce the desired results but remains as just speeches and preaches. One begins to wonder if the P&P was studied and implemented intelligently and was it genuinely for the country. You can’t blame the people for such an assumption because people are coming out of the coconut shell and travelling abroad to learn firsthand of how things are elsewhere.
Despite the obvious, old school marketing that the country is in peace and harmony with a stable economy, has become…boring. That their government is sensitive to people’s interest and by caring for its people has sustained a harmonious race, with abundance of opportunity. This sort of speech is probably tempting in countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Sierra, Laos, Myanmar, North Korea, Somalia, Congo, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan – to name a few, knowing that those ‘ceramahs’ have been the way of life for the rest of the world. So much that it need not be mentioned; they need no justification every five years or so as they are a living proof of it.
As much as I am proud of my country, geographically, historically and culturally I can’t say the same for the people steering it. My gratitude to our great grandfathers to have given us the privilege today to walk out at 2:00am to buy milk powder. But is it not the time to get over and move on? To me, based on our current state of affairs, in the year 2011 these are basic rights and no longer need to be reminded as a privilege. Otherwise it would sound like a threat. People don’t like to be threatened, it serve no good purpose for us to elect representatives that in return threaten us. And when you bite the hand that feeds, there is no good comeback. We can now see better that despite what is being preached, there is whole lot of a different ball game in the field.
We can see that our feelings are being aroused, instigated every now and then to support their P&P, through monopolized print and electronic media. And when the plans are in action, they squander on it and I am left standing the way I was last year, the year before and before that. I am getting tired of broken promises, false gifts and deceptions. Something my religion teaches me to refrain from and if I’m not mistaken…everyone else’s too.
To me the P&P’s looks just like a business continuity plan. The lavish lifestyle of a select few suggests the plan is not for us hence we draw our own conclusion. That greed has taken over good governance. Due to this (and their busy mudslinging schedule), they have also lost their grip on their sponsors, large cooperation’s and institutions that dictate how our life should be. Banks, Insurance companies, Telco’s, Property developers, loggers, miners, retailers, doctors, lawyers and judges join the bandwagon taking turn to rape us. We remain suppressed, powerless, naïve, money producing machines, year in year out while they go on a luxurious holiday trips, acquire fancy mansions and exotic cars and perhaps some concubines here and there. I’m not asking to be spoon fed or to live the lives they do…come on! Just that I want to be a taste of the fruits of my labor and the “Return on Investment” that I have put on you (if I have put it on you)*.
We know that it was all just a marketing campaign when you show up at kampongs and estates with TV crews and sweet talks. We knew it was cheap marketing because you came only before the election. After which we only see you on TV, laid back, sleepy eyes with all kind of excuses. There is only one thing I can think have how a leader can afford to be arrogant to his people. *Because in his subconscious mind, he can’t deny that he got there not because of the peoples votes, but he had a hand in it. Why/how else?
You don’t have to preach that this soil is mine and mine only to fuel your plans. In fact, we know it’s ours and we have nowhere to go even if you chased us out (if you have the b…). Forget the roots of who came from where or how we came about; it does not make sense to what we are today and where to we are heading. It does not add value to your P&P (if it was meant for us).
We practice racial harmony because we want to. Not because of your half-baked P&P’s. Our cousins, nephews, niece, in-laws and outlaws are also Kerala’s, Portuguese, Bugis, Chinese, and Indians, Pakistan’s and thanks to you even Indonesians. I hate to justify all of your actions to my classmates, neighbors and colleagues of why you choose to differentiate us. Of why you choose to bring up May 13 issues every now and then.
You have been so long in power that you are beginning to think that the Parliament belongs to your grandfather. As if it is your birthright to shove policy down the throat of the very people who put you there. It’s lame and cheap to cloud us with what YOU did for this country many years ago, as if we don’t know. What we do know is that the YOU now are not the YOU our great grandfathers build. Shame upon those who leverage on what our great grandfather sacrificed for, they are beyond comparable “sik’kit pun tara malu” for you to have a free ride at their expenses. Or can I say “lembu punya susu, sapi mau nama”?
Talk about religious upbringing, I am perplexed that despite being raised as a Muslim, praying five times a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, reciting from the Quran, you failed to display any of it in your life. How come? Should it not be that we the Muslims are the ones, with more praying hours than others, with superior wisdom, with the way of life bestowed from the heavens;
• To have superior mentality then everyone else?
• Be the best example in the world?
• The most prosperous (or moderate) people on earth?
Then how come despite all that, you utter derogatory words upon others, instigating, frame up, lopsided laws, expect us to obey your law yet make exceptions to yourself? Masha ’Allah, you can’t even perform you basic duty without screwing it up along the way yet you ‘fitnah’ those who can?
While the rich get richer (which we actually don’t mind), the poor get poorer (that we do mind very much). We don’t know what happened to your policy because ‘Desa’ is still as crap as it was 50 years ago; average income is the same while cost of living and household debts are on the rise. With an added bonus in the correspondingly increasing problems from poor socio-economic environment i.e. theft, robbery, break-in, drugs, teen sex, incest’s, child abuse, corruption, accidents, Ah Long, Kak Long, Make Long and Kangkong are not getting any better - if not worse during your reign. To overcome it, you just add one law after another so you can sit comfortably in your office. So you see as I figure, it is you whom have been the ghosts and demons all along.
Your performance in the last six months has been rather outstanding. I am amazed and proud to see the actions. But I am also not the type to fall into recency effect and I hope the rest of my fellow Malaysians are too. If so, perhaps it’s time we ‘korban’ you this time and Insha’Allah, we see you again in the next election. Until then please keep up the good job and cooperate with whoever might take your place. We might change our mind.

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Voice of Malaysia
About Voice of Malaysia
We're Voice of Malaysia. And we give a voice to 1Malaysia and the whole world!
We will feature more than thousands of articles and hosts talking about a variety of topics - from politics, sports and finance to health, hobbies, pop culture, business and, well, you name it. It’s our/your voice!
We're a bunch of foolhardy seasoned Malaysian Bogglers who for the past several years had been shouting relentlessly to make our opinions/points heard by the government of the day through blog and other programming. In fact, we practically use our mouth and fingers. Though much had been achieved (we believe so) but we're not resting on our laurels.
We're constantly looking for new ways of delivering, sharing of information and lively discussion to our ranks of more than 25 million Malaysian and others around the planet earth - whether it’s through adoption of cutting-edge technology, the Internet and other channels.
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We strive to inform, shape and change the way you live, offering content that inspires, entertains and enlightens. It's not enough for us to provide just information - it's got to be the stuff of water-cooler conversation and dinner discussions. And it's got to make an impact on you. That's our goal.
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