Friday, December 30, 2011

MILF-PRON Special Report for 2011: Malays under threat

DEC 30 — As the year draws to a close, the researchers at the Malaysian Institute of Learning Foundation for Political Research On Nationalism (MILF-PRON) have decided to release a special report for public consumption on a very important issue, that is the threats which threaten the Malays such that they are constantly feeling threatened.

There is absolutely no doubt that 2011 has been the most threatening year for the survival of the Malays in their own land — which includes Malaysia, southern Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, parts of South Africa and the Liverpool docks.

The challenges that have come the way of the Malays from every direction have put all hard-working and grafting Malays at risk of once again being colonised by (or at the very least, under the protection of) foreign powers, whether physically, emotionally or, even especially, spiritually.

Before the year started, there was a letter allegedly written by an MCA member complaining about the volume of the azan coming from a mosque 1km away from where he normally sleeps. Since this is an issue that would crop up every few months or so, the Malays did not feel very threatened going into the new year.

However, there was brief excitement when former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad claimed that the Malays in Kampung Baru would end up like the Malays in Singapore if they (the Kampung Baru ones) were not careful.

This claim was greeted with some concern, even though a small segment of the Malays in Kampung Baru opined that it wouldn’t actually be too bad a thing. At least, they would already have an MRT system working in the area, if nothing else.

The claim from the former PM was in response to a book published by a former PM of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, in which he wrote, among other things, the Malays in Singapore should be “less strict” about observing their religion.

And so, at the start of February, a Malay NGO in Singapore called for Lee Kuan Yew to be detained under the republic’s Internal Security Act for being seditious. The minister mentor, in a display of restraint, did not bother to respond.

In the meantime, Mahathir said in a talk on the “Malay race and the future” that Malaysians as a whole need to accept that the country belonged to the Malays. He felt that the people of the nation have to “be sincere and accept that the country is Tanah Melayu.”

In a separate statement, he also took the opportunity to call PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz a, well, opportunist who was willing to forsake his Islamic beliefs for political mileage. This then led to Nik Aziz accusing Mahathir and his party, Umno, of oppressing the Malays.

This was then followed up by Utusan Malaysia claiming that Nik Aziz prefers the company of Lee Kuan Yew to that of the Malays nationalists who fought for the freedom of the nation.

Nik Aziz, in response to something else entirely, said that he did not ask to be born a Malay, adding that it was pure coincidence that he was born in Malaysia.

At this juncture, it was still unclear as to the nature of the threats that threaten the Malays, apart from being run over by statements which make no sense whatsoever.

Which then brings us into March where Mahathir said that the Malays are not immigrants, even if they originally came from the Arab peninsula, India, Indonesia or anywhere else. He also pointed out that “those who support racist statements by the opposition are the real racists.”

Not wanting to be left out, Singapore’s minister mentor then made a statement in which he felt that his observation that the Malays in Singapore needed to be integrated better into the rest of the country may possibly be outdated and therefore he stood to be corrected.

Since he was no longer threatening, no Malay NGO called for him to not be detained under the ISA.

While Mahathir continued his series of warnings to the Malays by warning that the Malays could end up like the Palestinians who sold their own country out to the Jews, a new threat to the Malays reared its ugly head — Kentucky Fried Chicken could possibly be out of Malay hands.

Based on an unconfirmed rumour, it was said that the majority owner of KFC in Malaysia, Kulim Bhd, could be sold off to a non-Malay company and therefore this would constitute a major threat to the ability of Malays to consume chicken fried in 11 secret herbs and spices.

The owners of Kulim Bhd, Johor Corp, denied the rumours.

When asked whether they were the ones responsible for spreading the rumour, the owners of the Radix Fried Chicken chain refused to comment. They did however say that Radix Fried Chicken contained more that 11 herbs and spices as well as Tongkat Ali and quite possibly ginseng. For a stiffer fried chicken experience, presumably.

In April, the simmering controversy regarding the import and distribution of Bahasa Melayu (or more likely Bahasa Indonesia) bibles, referred to as “The Alkitab Controversy”, came to a boil that no one seemed capable of lancing. With the Sarawak polls looming, the government decided to allow the release of said bibles that had been held back by Customs.

The existence of these bibles was clearly a threat to the faith of the Malays, given that — according to a few mullahs — the Malays are clearly so easily trapped into converting into Christianity and thus commit apostasy simply because they know how to read in their own language.

That the Alkitab can easily be read and downloaded digitally via the Internet onto PCs, tablets, phones and wristwatches seemed to be less threatening than the actual physical books, all of which are clearly stamped with the words “Untuk Kegunaan Penganut Kristian Sahaja.”

In addition to the Malay Bible, the mufti of Perak also identified another Christian plot to convert impressionable Malays, this time using dance. Specifically, poco-poco. His fatwa banning poco-poco caused a stir, and a few twisted knickers among the Malays, not all of whom live in Perak. This prompted the National Fatwa Council to convene a special meeting to discuss the fatwa.

Rumour had it that the council instructed several military personnel to demonstrate the poco-poco, and after deep deliberation the council decreed that the dance is not threatening to the Malays. The mufti of Perak remained adamant, however, saying that his department had studied the issue and found that the dance incorporated moves originated by Jamaican Christians.

The additional rumour that the National Fatwa Council was planning a trip to the Caribbean to investigate the gyrating Jamaican Christians themselves has not been substantiated.

The “Christianisation of Malays” threat is to remain a recurring theme throughout the rest of the year, for as we go into May …

A report appeared in Utusan Malaysia saying that a couple of bloggers have uncovered a plot by a group of pastors in Penang to create a Christian Malaysia — by installing a Christian prime minister. Apparently, at the invite of the DAP, what seemed on the surface to be a dinner in appreciation of either the the DAP being in Sarawak, or Sarawak pastors being in Penang, a pledge was allegedly made by those present to work towards getting a Christian to be made PM of the country.

While this already presented a clear and present threat to the Malays and the sovereignty of the land, the situation became even more precarious when it was alleged by Datuk Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa that former members of the Communist Party of Malaysia were also involved in the dastardly plot to replace Islam as the official religion of Malaysia.

If these rumours were proven true (and who’s to say that they aren’t?) then it was obvious that the secular democrats in the DAP are truly in collusion with the godless heathens in CPM to put a Christian priest into the highest executive office in the land.

At this point, it was clear that there was an unholy trinity comprising secularists, communists and Malay-speaking Christians threatening the unity, harmony and prosperity of the Malays.

On a brighter note, though, it seemed that KFC would still remain in Malay hands.

The “Christianisation of Malays” threat then took a back-seat in June when a coalition of NGOs calling itself The Coalition For Clean And Fair Elections (stupefyingly simplified to “Bersih”, instead of TCFCAFE, or even COFOCAFE which would be much catchier) announced plans to hold a rally in Kuala Lumpur. While the rally was to be held the following month, July, plans were already in place.

Bersih had planned to hold this rally mainly to pressure the Election Commission to implement a set of changes encapsulated in Bersih’s “8 demands.” However, according to independent lawmaker, Datuk Zulkifli Nordin, Bersih’s true aim is to enslave all Malays by pressing for equality and fairness in elections while at the same time supporting apostasy and interfaith discussions. According to Zulkifli, this fact was made amply clear by the fact that the leader of the coalition is a non-Malay.

In addition, there was a raft of hacker attacks on Malaysian government websites which, it was the belief of Information, Communications, and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim, was connected to the rally.

How the anonymous collective calling itself Anonymous (which executed the attacks) is linked to the coalition named Bersih was not quite made clear, but a threat is a threat is what we say.

As June headed to a close, the feeling of being imminently threatened by what was now obviously going to be referred to eventually as the “Bersih riots” was assuaged somewhat when the mahaguru of the Pertubuhan Seni Silat Lincah Malaysia (PSSLM), Tan Sri Omardin Mauju, declared that the silat exponents constitute the third line of defence for the country, and would therefore not hesitate to go to “war” against Bersih should Bersih go on with the rally.

It was then that we headed into July, knowing that the defence of the Malays would partially be handled by men in black pajamas striking artful poses while holding bendy knives …

This then ends the first part of MILF-PRON’s special report on the threats which threaten the Malays such that they are constantly feeling threatened.

In the second part, we cover the rest of the year as we continue to expand on the Christianisation plot (which now includes solar-powered bibles), as well as cover the aftermath of the Bersih bloodbath, the triumphant gathering of one million Malays in a football stadium, and the great threat of homosexuals espousing acceptance, understanding, self-pride and sex fiestas.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

P.S. I found the article very interesting and wish to share it with my fellow readers.

Sunday, December 04, 2011


Baru baru ini, kementerian sumber manusia Singapura mengumumkan bahawa purata pendapatan rakyat tetap mereka telah meningkat lagi tahun ini.

“Peningkatan median gaji bulanan 8% bagi pekerja penuh masa naik dari USD 2,113.00 (RM 6, 593.49) ke USD 2,283.00 (RM7, 121.85) adalah memberansangkan” kata Dr Hui Weng Tat, seorang ahli ekonomi dari Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.

Ini adalah fakta nyata bagaimana Singapura sentiasa dapat berada ditangga atas dalam pelbagai bidang dalam sebarang keaadaan - politik atau sosio ekonomi. Baru sahaja 46 tahun merdeka dari Malaysia, Singapura telah menjadi satu negara contoh berbanding jirannya yang 54 tahun lebih matang di rantau ini.

Purata pendapatan pekerja Malaysia pula adalah kurang dari USD 961.00 (RM 3,000.00) sebulan manakala Thailand and Indonesia masing masing dalam lingkungan USD 320.00 (RM 1,000.00) sebulan - UNESCO, 2009.

“Perhatian juga perlu ditumpukan pada pembaikan upah kerja dan peluang pekerjaan bagi 194,700 pekerja sambilan, kerana terdapat tanda-tanda peningkatan angka ini dan keinginan mereka untuk kerja masa tambahan” kata Dr Hui.

Namun perbandingan ini tidak mudah disimpulkan untuk Indonesia kerana jumlah penduduknya yang besar berbanding dengan kedua negara jiran yang kecil dimana pengagihan ekonominya lebih luas. Ditambah pula dengan faktor pekerja Filipina yang berhijrah ke Indonesia; dengan tidak langsung merampas perhitungan kedudukkan pendapatan purata yang tertinggi dari pekerja Filipina yang bekerja luar dari negara asal. - Jose Z. Molano, Jr., penasihat Overseas Resource Development, Philippines.

Punca perkembangan pesat Singapura boleh dikatakan adalah kerana kesemua faktor. Dari kerajaan hinggalah rakyat umum yang dahagakan kemajuan. Dengan niat sebegini, dan terdesak untuk berdiri tinggi antara jiran, kerajaan mereka dapat restu rakyat untuk menjalankan kegiatan ekonomi walaupun Singapura tiada sebarang sumber eknomi dari tanah sendiri. Singapura juga adalah negara kelima teratas digolong antara negara negara yang paling bebas dari rasuah. - AsiaOne News. Sesuatu yang kerajaan kita gagal - niat untuk menaikkan taraf rakyat dan negara.

Sebagai contoh, parti politik kerajaan utama (UMNO) baru baru ini mengadakan perhimpunan agong. Perhimpunan dua hari dipenuhi dengan hujah hujah yang remeh temeh seperti juga tahun tahun yang sebelumnya. Mementingkan kesetiaan parti, kemenangan pilihan raya, mengapikan ketuanan Melayu dan melecehkan parti pembangkang.

Dari “body-language” yang ditunjukkan presiden parti semasa upacara angkat sumpah setia, jelas kelihatan beliau tidak bertanggapan serius dalam perhimpunan kali ini. Diikuti dengan drama Keris lagi oleh bekas pengerusi, beruk dari Negeri Sembilan dan yang perompak wang rakyat yang ke Disneyland bersama keluarga dan pembantu rumah. Malah dengan gambaran seperti ini, tidak hairanlah mengapa rakyat Malaysia tidak restu kerajaan mereka. Yang dianggap mengenalkan pelbagai “Program Transformasi Kerajaan” semata mata satu helah untuk meragut kemewahan rakyat.

Selagi kerajaan ini tidak ditewaskan, selagi itulah kita hidup terus bekerja keras, mungkin seumur hidup membela kemewahan mereka. Semoga Allah S.A.W. sahajalah yang menyelamatkan kita dari hantu dan syaitan ini.

Tahniah diucapkan kepada Singapura.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


The events of the world certainly seem as the manifestation of various ancient prophecies. Climate change, credit crunch, the U.S. Navy in Australia and their arsenals maneuvering over the Pacific sea to instigate China, the uprising in Middle East which infected Europe, U.S. and now brewing in South East Asia, with Indonesia seemingly looking ready to pop any time; is all set - for the whole world to go to hell.

On top of these, the stress level amongst Malaysians, is also brewing from local circumstances. The average ‘makan-gaji’ populations (taking me as an example), whom apparently reside at the bottom half of the pyramid, are having tensed shoulders, short-fuse and poor state of health of the reoccurring repulsive events locally. In such times, I think only a penniless monk can have a piece of mind from juggling with the socio-economic, corrupted politics, benighted religious authorities and now verbal harassment from our very ‘serumpun’ Indonesia.

1. Socio-Economic
After a life long struggle to make ends meet, we thought there will arrive a time we can rest our feet and enjoy the fruits of our labor. But that thought only remained as a figment of our imagination. The things we want seem out of reach every time we long for it, getting further and further away.

The average income is the same while cost of living and household debts are on the rise. With an added bonus in the correspondingly increasing problems from poor socio-economic environment i.e. theft, robbery, break-in, drugs, teen sex, incest’s, child abuse, corruption, accidents, Ah Long, Kak Long, Mak Long and Kangkong are not getting any better - if not worse in the current leaderships.

The Government in their obsession to stay in power with dear life, are busy with favorite past time - mudslinging. Turning their back on private sectors e.g. Telco’s, Banks, Highway Concessionaires, Electronic Medias and every other customer service industries under the sun from having a field day in hiking prices and rape us to kingdom come. Indirectly raising crime rates and other social ills. Despite the PDRM declaration that crime rate has dropped, I actually see an increase and even brutal crimes escalating in my neighborhood. Without any in-depth analysis, I can guesstimate a good 80% of the domestic crimes e.g. snatch-theft, robbery, break-in, rape, gangsters and murder are committed by our ‘serumpun’ guests. While the locals win hands down in white collar crimes in which money laundering and cargo thefts are the favorites.

2. Politics
Responsibility of a Government is infinite. In a nutshell it’s a balancing act between poverty eradication, addressing unemployment and entrepreneurship for success. Success then must be defined as it varies time to time, situation and circumstances. Like father to a family, it is their responsibility to stay alert and do what it takes to protect his family. Every country in every part of the world has their respective plans to bring their country to success and share the piece of cake with their people.

Modern man on the whole seems to be in the rising, coming out from the Augustus, King Arthur, Royal Kingdom or Iron Fist type of government expecting more than that from their elected representatives. Everyone today is entitled for their opinion, more intelligent and brave to exercise their rights and explore their six senses of what is right and wrong. In fact our Government seems to have the notion that running a country is a family business. To stay elected, roll out and display all kinds of Programmes and Policies (P&P) like a Peacock’s mating dance. Whether the P&P are genuine for the countries interest is any ones guess (after all what can you expect coming from a politicians). Hence the marketing begins on how P&P can drive a countries economy. We don’t know for sure if any P&P are good for us, but we do know it will work if we want it to; ‘Kalau mahu seribu daya, tak mahu seribu daligh’.

Nevertheless, one gets a little bored after a while when the P&P’s does not produce the desired results but remains as just speeches and preaches. One begins to wonder if the P&P was studied and implemented intelligently and was it genuinely for the country. You can’t blame the people for such an assumption because people are coming out of the coconut shell and travelling abroad to learn firsthand of how things are elsewhere. What we actually see is that billions are squandered from these so called P&P and despite 50 years of NEP, the poor is still poor and ‘Desa’ is still as crap as it was 50 years ago.

The gaps between rich and poor are getting larger and the acceleration rates seem to favour the cronies of the Government. In the determination to pull the country out of bankruptcy, the Government’s P&P in investing on new Royal Palace, PKFZ cover up, the NFC scandals; the whole family “technical trip” to Disneyland doesn’t seem to ‘jive’. It seems 50% of their office time is being spent in cover-up strategies or sniffing up what the opposition is cooking.

Despite the glaringly apparent, the old school marketing that the country is in peace and harmony with a stable economy has become…boring! That the government is sensitive to people’s interest and by caring for its people has sustained a harmonious race, with abundance of opportunity. This sort of speech is probably tempting in countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Sierra, Laos, North Korea, Somalia, Congo, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan – to name a few, knowing that such ‘ceramahs’ have been the way of life for the rest of the world. So much that it need not be mentioned; they need no justification every five years or so as they are a living proof of it.

As much as I am proud of my country, geographically, historically and culturally I can’t say the same for the people steering it. My gratitude to our great grandfathers to have given us the privilege today to walk out at 2:00 am to buy milk powder. But is it not the time to get over and move on? To me, based on our current state of affairs, in the year 2011 these are basic rights and no longer need to be reminded as a privilege. Otherwise it would sound like a threat. People don’t like to be threatened, it serve no good purpose for us to elect representatives that in return threaten us. And when you bite the hand that feeds, there is no good comeback. We can now see better that despite what is being preached, there is whole lot of a different ball game in the field.

Through the monopolized print and electronic media, every day we read (and watch news) page after page of garbage. Nothing you read is true, just more deception and deceit. Like each goon from both side of the camp is asking the other to emulate them. Emulate what? Emulate donations and contributions to the poor and needy - come on, where did you get the RM 233,000 from? They spent money on pre General Election marketing like it was their grandfather’s.

It is in fact repulsive to read or hear of the political campaigns which only serve as a deception for the power greedy. Indonesia may have used ‘Every Trick in Book’ to Top SEA Games Medal, likewise Malaysia use every trick in book to rig general election. Thanks to you by defeating, suppressing and denying every initiative by Bersih 2.0, they are now going global to have their voice heard.

To me the P&P’s looks just like a business continuity plan. By the lavish lifestyle of a select few suggests the plan is not for us hence we draw our own conclusion. That greed has taken over good governance. Due to this (and their busy mudslinging schedule), they have also lost their grip on their sponsors, large cooperation’s and institutions that dictate how our life should be. Banks, Insurance companies, Telco’s, Property developers, loggers, miners, retailers, doctors, lawyers and judges join the bandwagon taking turn to rape us. We remain suppressed, powerless, naïve, money producing machines, year in year out while they go on a luxurious holiday trips, acquire fancy mansions and exotic cars and perhaps some concubines here and there. I’m not asking to be spoon fed or to live the lives they do…come on! Just that I want to taste the fruits of my labor and the “Return on Investment” that I have put on you (if I have put it on you)*.

We practice racial harmony because we want to. Not because of your half-baked P&P’s. Our cousins, nephews, niece, in-laws and outlaws are also Japanese, Kerala’s, Portuguese, Bugis, Chinese, and Indians, Pakistan’s, Thais, Singaporeans and Indonesians. I hate to justify all of your actions to my classmates, neighbors and colleagues of why you choose to differentiate us. Of why you choose to bring up May 13 issues every now and then.

3. Religion
The stress is twice higher for a Muslim. The religion of our choice is no longer a pleasure. Our Muslim name alone poses a threat. In Malaysia we are being watch and controlled over every damn thing. I can say the religious authorities are doing one heck of a job to procure moral values. Being self-proclaimed as “Enlightened Beings”, these ‘kampong mari’ leaders apart from being the main reason for renouncements of Muslims, has done nothing at all to curb, incest, pedophile and child dumping amongst Muslim. In fact people are beginning to think that religious authorities are having fun and get paid for it. They shove laws after laws down our throat, yet apart from making our lives difficult, from their so called mission to advocate moral values amongst Muslims in Malaysia; they have accomplished absolutely nothing at all.

Religious authorities just like the media serve the politicians. Using the mosque and Quran to mislead Muslims to support them in the grandest attempt to rob us off our wealth. I am perplexed that despite being raised as a Muslim, praying five times a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, reciting from the Quran, yet the majority of us failed to display any of it in our lives. How come? Should it not be that we the Muslims are the ones, with more praying hours than others, with superior wisdom, with the way of life bestowed from the heavens;

• To have superior mentality then everyone else?
• Be the best example in the world?
• The most prosperous (or moderate) people on earth?

Then how come despite all that, our elected leaders whom supposed to set an example, receive bribes in abundance, swindle, practice favoritism, utter derogatory words upon others, instigating, frame up, lopsided laws, expect us to obey their law yet make exceptions for them? Masha ’Allah, they can’t even perform their basic duty without screwing it up along the way yet have the audacity to ‘fitnah’ those who can.

Islam in Malaysia and even around the world has become so benighted that the rest of the world is suffering from Islamophobia. The so called EB’s, Muslim scholars or otherwise are trapped in a narrow perspective whom can’t speak their mind without some goons going ape $h!t about it or enforcing some ‘Fatwa’ against anyone who speaks beyond orthodox our out of the box.

4. Indonesia (Ganyang Malaysia)
As if all that is not enough, we now have to endure our ‘serumpun’ wanting to Ganyang Malaysia. Since the 1960’s if I recall correctly, Indonesia has been obsessed about this ‘ganyang’ - for more than 50 years! Their demagogue leaders produced and their media too got suckered into sensationalizing anything against anti-Malaysia sentiments. With mainstream Indonesian’s poor academic background, not able to comprehend what goes on outside their ‘kampong’ became gullible to the garbage their media put forth as well.

Further, it keeps them preoccupied with things while the leaders squander from their money. Really not that much different than Malaysia, at least Malaysians can read in more than 3 languages and can have a much better perspective of life then the Indonesians. Thanks to Tun Dr. Mahathir who brought IT literacy to us, or we could have succumb to the same IQ of the Indonesians. I’m not generalizing but agree that both side of the fence has some good portion of gullible imbeciles.

What is the point of bragging the size of their GDP when 62% of Indonesians don’t have any savings in the bank? - Jakarta Globe. What is the purpose of advertising their firepower being ranked # 18 in the world when one can’t use it for any real war? This new era, even a single accidental missile launch can land the country in trouble; the whole world will be up their @$$ in no time. -UN. And you know who and their allies will be more than happy to take over their soil and confiscate the assets and resources.

Instead, use that wealth to create jobs so that your citizens don’t waste so much of their creative time on Facebook and YouTube. Teach them English that will allow them to read and understand what is the majority of the world’s mentality on war and culture. Culture theft, is another issue I can’t understand.

+ Can the Arabs “ganyang” Asia for aping their religion?
+ Or can the Mayan’s sue modern man for copying their calendar?
+ Can the British go to war that we ‘maling’ their English language?
+ What is Indonesia’s plan with their culture?
+ Well you claim you are culture rich, but whats the big deal?
+ Who are these Malaysians - are we some alien mercenaries?

5. The Culprit
The media has been the culprit in conditioning the gullible and imbecile citizens. Being controlled or suckered by leaders of broken promises, deception and deceit. Leaders who show up in Italian Suite and teach you how to suck an egg. Sometimes they also repeat verses from the Quran to us when they themselves can comprehend a darn thing of it.

6. Solution
Press freedom. Free and independent press to report the truths like the west and Europeans whom have contributed physical and mental development of their countries. To be recognized as developed nation with 1st class mentality and 1st class services.
Diplomacy in power greedy governments is not possible. We have to follow the Middle East. Just mob them, Ganyang them and not the Malaysians. Let the natural course take effect as people now are more aware how these scumbags in suite are ripping us off. The 1% as Pimps using us the 99% as Hos.

I sure hope that 21st December 2012 stuffs are true and get over with quick. I can stop wondering around insensibly - How I wish.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Three cheers for the Hostile Games!!!

The Star Online, Wednesday November 16, 2011
Three cheers for the Hostile Games

THE SEA Games are supposed to be all about regional solidarity and friendship, nurturing goodwill through sports.

But those worthy principles were for, and from, another era - an era when there was greater trust among nations and men, a greater sense of honour and integrity.

All that has changed; with progress has come distrust and deceit, hypocrisy and bigotry.

Sportsmanship and fair play have no chance when politicians, governments, sports bodies and officials speak not what they mean. Case in point: the 26th SEA Games in Indonesia.

The jingoism that has dominated the proceedings has made the event one of the most distasteful of the series, a nasty deviation from the ideals of the SEAP Games to foster closer ties and understanding among neighbours.

When Thailand hosted the first SEAP Games in December 1959, it truly was a Goodwill Games, one that saw athletes from Burma (now Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, Malaya, Thailand and Vietnam engaging in honest competition without spite or acrimony.

The Games grew in size and stature with the addition of Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Brunei and later Timor Leste.

In 1977, the SEAP Games evolved into the SEA Games. The competition became more keen but remained largely true to the tenets of sports - of fair play and honesty.

But then, as these mostly newly-independent nations grew, so did their misguided sense of nationalism and pride.

These then became the overriding essence of the Games - one-upmanship, brinkmanship, bragging rights and humbling thy neighbour.

National pride began to overshadow and erode the sporting values of the Games. It is now all about who can win the most medals, never mind if it means cheating or shifting the goal post to steal an advantage.

These Games have bloated to 43 sports, most of them favouring Indonesia, offering a massive 542 gold medals. That's fine if the competition was fair and true. But what we have seen here, in Jakarta especially, is proof that the Games have grown out of control, driven by political, rather than sporting, agendas.

It's about winning at all costs so that politicians and officials can gloat and ride the popular wave of triumphalism.

It's about size and numbers, upstaging others rather than honest success.
We can understand patriotism but not insane ultranationalism and aggressive demonstration of parochialism.

How else can one explain the naked hatred Indonesian fans have for Malaysian athletes in particular? Their disregard for their foreign guests is disconcerting.

Malaysia and Indonesia have a long history of antagonism which has seen some major boil-overs, especially in Jakarta, in previous encounters like the Thomas Cup badminton finals and the Suzuki Cup football tournament.

The fans have jeered every single Malaysian athlete and the boos get louder if it's an Indonesian on the opposing end. That is to be expected, but there is a distinctly vicious edge to the jeers directed at the Malaysians.

Being patriotic is noble, but being disrespectful to other countries is simply appalling.
Little wonder that they are calling these the Hostile Games.

P.S. You (the writer) had seen it/heard it in just a spur of the moment... that is only during the SEA Games. Stay a little longer in Indonesia and you'll feel the real heat. I bear the heat for 9 long years now, and I had gotten heartburnt!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

National Service with a smile

The Star Online, Tuesday November 15, 2011

National Service with a smile



KUANTAN: National Service training camp staff have been asked to greet visitors with a smile.

They have been told to make smiling a culture in an effort to improve public perception of the programme.


“Studies have shown National Service is beneficial but we still have to prove it to the public.

“Smiling is one of our ways of doing that,” said its director-general Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang Kechil after launching the Delighting the Customer Campaign at Kem Cahaya Gemilang in Cherating here yesterday.


He said greeting people with a smile was important particularly for the frontline staff who have to deal with customers at the 81 camps nationwide.


“More importantly, the trainees are encouraged to smile as well through this campaign. They will face the community in their jobs in the future,” said Abdul Hadi.

He added that smiling could also reduce pressure, foster unity and friendship between the trainees.

“However, trainees still have to be serious during shooting and march-past training,” he said.


Among the activities to be held in conjunction with the campaign is the most charming smile contest, a campaign slogan writing competition as well as producing an etiquette guideline on operating the telephone and customer service.



P.S. This is one good idea. During my several visits to the city (Kuala Lumpur) I seldom see smiling faces!

Street Dwellers!

Street dwellers along Pudu Raya and Petaling Street, Kuala Lumpur.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Penang airport soaking wet!

The Star Online: Wednesday November 9, 2011

Penang airport soaking wet

GEORGE TOWN: A leak was detected on the second floor of the Penang International Airport, about 50m from the automated glass doors.

A boutique assistant, who did not want to be named, said the ceiling would leak every time it rained heavily.

“The leaking started after renovation work began several months ago.

“I had to move some of my items a few feet away to avoid the dripping water,” she said at the airport in Bayan Lepas yesterday.


Slippery: Rainwater dripping onto the floor at the Penang International Airport after a heavy downpour.

Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd project manager Fazil Ahmad said the leak was due to the ongoing renovation work.

“We have already installed a flat roof, and are in the process of installing waterproofing sheets and another roof to cover the whole building.

“But the frequent rain is slowing the progress,” he said.

He also said workers often had to be deployed to mitigate the leak during heavy rains.

“Depending on the weather, the roof should be completed by the end of the month,” he added.

The RM250mil expansion and renovation work at the airport is scheduled to be completed by June next year.

This was the second leak at a key public structure this month.

On Nov 1, the state legislative assembly sitting was briefly disrupted when the ceiling of the building started leaking during a downpour.
P.S. To me Penang Airport (design/structure) is child play... architecture. A third world class design!